Other Activities

Public Relations

The OIR cooperates with the Public Relations Center and the Office for Astronomy Outreach (OAO) of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in carrying out public relations activities to raise NAOJ’s international profile. We particularly concentrate on public relations aimed at attracting excellent international researchers and students. Specifically, by setting up booths at international conferences on astronomy, we strive to publicize NAOJ and its recruitment, funding, and scholarship programs, as well as to offer information with respect to the research/living environment and support services at NAOJ. Through these efforts, we aim to gain further interest from excellent international researchers and students, and encourage such proficient individuals to become more actively involved in NAOJ’s research projects, or to participate in research collaboration with NAOJ.

We also disseminate information about our activities and related matters through channels such as this website.

The booths we have hosted so far at international events can be found here.

OIR Participation in Past International Conferences

Investigation Activities (Under construction)